Can you smoke with braces?
Orthodontic braces are a valuable tool for straightening teeth and promoting oral Know More...Read more

What Is Meant by Overjet Teeth?
Overjet teeth is a condition when the teeth of the upper jaw Know More...Read more

Tips to care teeth Braces: Advice From our Orthodontist
Whenever teeth braces as a treatment is considered, there comes a very Know More...Read more

Invisible Braces or Traditional Braces. Know which suits you!
Braces along with the wires have been used traditionally to correct twisted Know More...Read more

Benefits of Invisalign clear aligners over traditional braces
Everyone loves to eat their favourite foods, smile beautifully, speak comfortably and Know More...Read more

Orthodontic bonding of Braces – How long is the Process?
Orthodontic appointment for bonding and fixing up the appliance usually takes about Know More...Read more

Does Braces cause loosening of teeth and fall out?
Braces are generally worn on patients who are around 13 – 17 Know More...Read more

Flossing with Braces – is it right or wrong?
Flossing is a very simple procedure just like brushing your teeth. It Know More...Read more

Surgical removal of wisdom teeth in orthodontic treatment
Wisdom teeth are the set of last four teeth which erupts into Know More...Read more

Possible problems and outcome of an under-bite
However you take care of your teeth, there are certain genetically inherited Know More...Read more