Going for Root Canal Treatment? Follow these steps

dentist treating patient
Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Specialist Prosthodontist and Oral Implantologist

November 09, 2021

1 .Eating patterns

You should avoid sticky food, or items which are hard to chew. The reason for this precaution is to avoid the food lodgement in the affected tooth area which might lead to aggravation of pain in the region.

Remember to have a good meal before the procedure. As you need to be cautious a little bit until the final procedure is done.

Avoid alcohol and smoking before the procedure.


2. Medications

Administration of painkillers before the procedure is helpful. Teeth which are recommended for root canal treatment are usually infected. In such teeth, before starting the procedure, antibiotics, painkillers and multivitamins are prescribed. The duration of medication is 3 to 5 days depending on the severity and chronicity of the infection.


3. Self Care

Even with the advancements in the root canal treatment in Dubai and reduction in the visits, you have to take good care of yourself along with the precautions. This will give you synergistic and long lasting result.

Even with the advancements in the root canal treatment in Dubai and reduction in the visits, you have to take good care of yourself along with the precautions. This will give you synergistic and long lasting result.

healthy diets

4. After the procedure

Ice packs will help you with the numbness you feel after the procedure (due to local anesthesia).

There might be continuation of medications in order to eliminate any remaining infection.

ice bag for pain

5. Do not delay

Do not delay the treatment as it might lead to the loss of complete natural tooth structure. As no replacement can be as good as a natural tooth itself.

girl with toothache

6. Follow up

The procedure for root canal treatment can vary from single sitting to multiple visits. As you are informed about your final sitting of the procedure, make sure to ask for the next step.

The next step might be a prosthetic cap (crown) or a permanent filling (restoration), which is an essential component after the root canal treatment is done. Although it is usually ignored as it is encountered in most of the patients, but root canal makes a tooth brittle which makes it necessary to get it covered by cap for the avoidance of breakage (hard food items).

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