Lost a Tooth? Here’s How Single Tooth Implant Can Benefit You

Lost a Tooth Here’s How Single Tooth Implant Can Benefit You
Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Specialist Prosthodontist and Oral Implantologist

July 10, 2017

People who have lost one tooth in their teeth structure are often found feeling less confident about their smiles. Loss of a tooth can happen because of sports injury, dental health or a gum disease. If you have been struggling to get the right solution for getting the missing or lost tooth replaced in your oral cavity, single tooth implant can be highly advantageous for you. For patients with just one tooth missing, single tooth implant is considered one of the best solutions as it is designed to provide natural appearance and function with replaced tooth. You may even have heard that teeth restoration methods have their affect upon the other natural teeth. But the same will not happen at all in the case of single tooth implant.

Want to know more about the benefits of getting dental implants with the help of a dental specialist offering dental implant in Dubai

No Negative Impact on Neighboring Teeth

Single tooth implant does not impact adjacent teeth next to the site of lost tooth. This ensures that the natural strength of the neighboring teeth is maintained. Not only this, such an implant procedure allows the jaw bone to be preserved and intact which contributes to the overall health of the teeth structure.

Avoid Overcrowding of Teeth

With lost or missing tooth left untreated for a long time, there is a risk of overcrowding and displacement of adjacent teeth. Such interlinked damages have its effect upon the chewing abilities of the patient. With single tooth implant added timely, you can prevent such possible damages and will also be able to improve oral comfort.

Replicates Natural Tooth Appearance

With dental implant solution for single tooth, you will get your smile restored to a confident form and will have aesthetically improved appearance.

Want to boost up your confidence with an improved smile? Visit our clinic for general dental care treatments in Dubai!

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