What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Hyperdontia is a medical term used when an extra tooth grows along with the typical sets of teeth. These extra teeth grow directly behind or close to your primary or permanent teeth.  Hyperdon...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Restoring broken tooth with dental crown at Oris

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What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

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What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

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Our katana veneers are an excellent way of restoring your bright smile Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Tooth decay- Different types and their treatment

Tooth decay, which is also known as dental caries, is the destruction Know More...Read more

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