What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Hyperdontia is a medical term used when an extra tooth grows along with the typical sets of teeth. These extra teeth grow directly behind or close to your primary or permanent teeth.  Hyperdon...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Going for Root Canal Treatment? Follow these steps

1 .Eating patterns You should avoid sticky food, or items which are Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Tips to care teeth Braces: Advice From our Orthodontist

Whenever teeth braces as a treatment is considered, there comes a very Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Invisible Braces or Traditional Braces. Know which suits you!

Braces along with the wires have been used traditionally to correct twisted Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Recovery tips for unbearable wisdom tooth pain

Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge from the gums. Know More...Read more

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