What are Tonsil Stones and How To Remove Them?

What are Tonsil Stones and How To Remove Them?

If you feel like something is stuck in the back of your mouth, if you notice white stones in the throat, or if you experience bad breath, then it is due to tonsil stones.  Tonsil stones are un...Read more

What are Tonsil Stones and How To Remove Them?

Cement or Screw Retained Restorations – A guide to choose between the two

Missing a tooth is almost like missing your beautiful smile. Thanks to Know More...Read more

What are Tonsil Stones and How To Remove Them?

Benefits of newly replaced teeth in single day implants

Smile is an individual complement of everyone. Nobody can match one’s own Know More...Read more

What are Tonsil Stones and How To Remove Them?

An impressive smile – makes your look complete

A confident healthy smile is an essential part of any human being. Know More...Read more

What are Tonsil Stones and How To Remove Them?

Zirconia Crowns – their indications and uses

Dental clinics specialising in aesthetics dentistry practice use Zirconia in the crowns, Know More...Read more

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