Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Once your baby starts developing teeth, they start drooling (excess saliva flowing outside the mouth), which can cause irritation in the baby's skin and lead to a rash called a teething rash or drool ...Read more

Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Could Poor Oral Health Cause Depression?

When a tooth is lost in an adult it invariably saddened them. Know More...Read more

Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The link between dental hygiene and a happy love life

A happy married life with a loving partner is greatly positive and Know More...Read more

Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Soda – What does it do to your teeth?

Soda has two components, sugar and acid. They are a double disaster Know More...Read more

Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

How to go soft on the holiday goodies to maintain good oral hygiene

The long week has already made us tired and has drained our Know More...Read more

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