Geographic Tongue: Pictures, Symptoms and Treatments

Geographic Tongue: Pictures, Symptoms and Treatments

Geographic Tongue is a condition that gives you a look like a map with irregular spots appearing on the top and side of the Tongue. The look of geographic Tongue may raise a concern in you when you ar...Read more

Geographic Tongue: Pictures, Symptoms and Treatments

Types of Skin Pigmentation Disorders and Pigmentation Treatment

Skin pigmentation disorders are an extensive group of diseases that affect the Know More...Read more

Geographic Tongue: Pictures, Symptoms and Treatments

What do you need to know about single day implants?

Single day implants have transformed the fields of dentistry, providing patients with Know More...Read more

Geographic Tongue: Pictures, Symptoms and Treatments

How to stop throbbing pain after root canal?

While a root canal is a common treatment, it can cause lasting Know More...Read more

Geographic Tongue: Pictures, Symptoms and Treatments

How do you solve the Tingling sensation in the tongue?

A tingling feeling on your tongue, frequently accompanied by numbness, can be Know More...Read more

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