Signs you need a mouthguard

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Specialist Prosthodontist and Oral Implantologist

December 05, 2022

 Many people grind their teeth while they sleep, which can cause excruciating migraines, jaw pain, and cracked teeth. Also, grinding can reduce the quality of your sleep and make you wake up erratically.

 Many persons who grind their teeth and clench their jaws are completely unaware of the issue. If no one is snoozing next to you, there may be some signs that can tell you if something is wrong and whether you need to see a doctor. Here are 6 signs that indicate a quick trip to the dentist is necessary and if you are unclear whether you grind your teeth while you sleep:

 1. Headaches when you wake up

 You may be grinding your teeth at night if you wake up with a headache that is already bothering you. When your teeth brush against one another when you sleep, a lot of pressure is built up in your jaw, which results in headaches in the sides and back. To lessen this problem, some sort of protective mouth wear can be very beneficial. Headaches can even become migraines, given enough time and stress.


 2. Chipped Teeth

 Although minor teeth-grinders frequently experience headaches, chipped teeth might result in much more serious problems. You probably grind your teeth at sleep if you find that they are wearing down or chipping over time.

 Your teeth can only tolerate so much night-time pressure and strain before they begin to chip and deteriorate. Your teeth could feel more sensitive than usual.

 3. Symptoms in your Jaw Joint

 Temporomandibular joint (Jaw Joint) syndrome, a disorder that is characterized by pain in the jaw joint, can be brought on by several medical conditions.

 Since excessive grinding can lead to painful jaw inflammation, it may be a contributing factor. Dizziness, migraines, and even ear pain are TMJ symptoms. It is advisable to see a dentist as soon as possible if you are having these problems to prevent things from getting worse. You shouldn’t put off getting treatment for TMJ because it is a serious problem.

 4. Reminders from Family

 If your family members have mentioned that you clench your teeth at sleep, take them seriously.

 Visit your doctor right away to prevent any future harm or deterioration. You don’t know how long you’ve been doing it before someone noticed, and when it comes to dental care, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


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