What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Hyperdontia is a medical term used when an extra tooth grows along with the typical sets of teeth. These extra teeth grow directly behind or close to your primary or permanent teeth.  Hyperdon...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Hyperdontia is a medical term used when an extra tooth grows along Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Teething Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Once your baby starts developing teeth, they start drooling (excess saliva flowing Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

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If you feel like something is stuck in the back of your Know More...Read more

What is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth) and Its Complications?

Melasma Treatment In Dubai: Diagnosis and Benefits

Melasma is a most common skin condition that causes the coloration of Know More...Read more

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