Taking care of our teeth on the run

Taking care of our teeth on the run | Best Dentist In Dubai
Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Specialist Prosthodontist and Oral Implantologist

June 01, 2018

Taking good care of our oral health, in the midst of our sweets, beverages and ice creams may be a
little challenging in our day to day life. Brushing our teeth twice a day, helps to maintain our oral
hygiene, but what happens in between the first and the last brushing of the day is still questionable.

How to prevent constant acid attacks on tooth surface- get to know more at Oris Dental Center.

The type of food we eat, especially when they are rich in sugars are said to impose acid attack on the
tooth enamel more constantly. This acid is produced by plaque bacteria, and the sugars in our food
and drink. This slowly dissolves the enamel and dentine of the tooth leading to cavities formation.

New evidence has shown that eating sugar free gum after our meal, helps lower the acid attack on
the tooth enamel, thereby preventing cavity formation. But it cannot be a replacement for brushing
twice a day, which helps to keep our oral hygiene neat and fresh.

Sugar-free gum as part of your oral health routine
Saliva produced in our mouth is said to be one of the first line of defence in our body. Upon acid
attack by sugary foods, the tooth enamel is said to have lost a lot of minerals on its surface. Saliva
takes about an hour to replace the lost minerals on the surface of the tooth. Chewing sugar-free
gum twenty minutes after every meal, helps increase the flow of saliva and thereby helps replace
lost minerals quickly on the tooth surface.

PH is the measure of acidity, with levels below 5.5 being acid enough to soften tooth enamel. Usually
it takes about an hour for the acid levels to come back to lower levels (safe zone) naturally. Chewing
sugar-free gum after eating can quickly lower the amount of time, to about fifteen to twenty
minutes to lower the acid contents to safe zone. Thus preventing cavity formation.

Sugar-free gum could be an easy and effective addition to our families’ oral health routines. We
recommend that, while brushing for two minutes twice a day is still mandatory and is the best way
to keep teeth clean and healthy, chewing sugar-free gum during the day can be effective in
neutralising harmful plaque acids and reducing the risk of decay.

Recent research and evidence has shown significant results in improvement of oral hygiene while
using sugar free chewing gum as a part of oral routine practice.

For more enquiries and details do call us at Oris Dental Center.

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