The link between dental hygiene and a happy love life

The link between dental hygiene and a happy love life
Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Specialist Prosthodontist and Oral Implantologist

February 23, 2018

A happy married life with a loving partner is greatly positive and emotionally rewarding. It will come as a surprise when few studies have pointed to the fact that people who are leading a happy love life have better oral hygiene than the one whose love life is not so great.

The bedroom life and dental hygiene

Indeed it works both ways. If you are not satisfied with your bedroom life, you need to check your dental hygiene. Similarly, if you do not have a satisfied dental hygiene, your bedroom life might deteriorate over a period of time.

Positive people and dental hygiene

People who are with a loving partner gave extra attention to how they look and how good their oral breath was. So a better dental hygiene naturally came by. The partners kept up with their dental appointments and did whatever it takes to maintain their oral hygiene.

These positive people trusted others readily, more so their life partners and were found to be having higher self-esteem.

Negative emotions and dental hygiene

On the contrary, people who did not have a great bedroom life or people who did not have a caring and a trusting partner where not keen on maintaining oral hygiene. They were rather reluctant to keep up with their dental appointments. Many times, they gave it a go. Their emotional state of being detached from the society showed in their dental hygiene.

Studies also claim that people who avoid emotional intimacy and people who have an inherent fear that their partner would leave them eventually are more likely to remain reluctant in maintaining their oral hygiene.

These people invariably did not trust anyone and were having a low self-esteem which reflected negatively in their oral health.

Conclusion – It is imperative that you make your relationship work to stay yourself physically and mentally fit. And we now know that oral health is also dependent on happy love life with your partner.

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