If you feel like something is stuck in the back of your mouth, if you notice white stones in the throat, or if you experience bad breath, then it is due to tonsil stones.
Tonsil stones are unharmful and do not cause any health complications and the major symptom of tonsil stones are bad breath. So, if any of the symptoms of tonsil stones are causing you any discomfort. You can contact the dentist to remove them comfortably.
Tonsil stones are hard lumps that form on the tonsil surface at the back of the mouth and make you feel like something is stuck at the back of the mouth. These tonsil stones comprise food particles, bacteria, and hardened minerals like calcium.
Tonsil stones are harmless and do not require treatment. If they are causing you problems, they can be removed surgically.
Tonsils are present in the back of the throat and are made up of tissue rich with lymphocytes (white blood cells that prevent infection in the body). The presence of lymphocytes attracts bacteria and viruses that enter the throat to prevent infection. When these collections of bacteria and food particles calcify or harden, a white stone called a tonsil stone is formed at the tonsils.
The formation and breakdown of tonsil stones release volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which cause an unpleasant smell similar to rotten eggs or decaying food. No matter how carefully you maintain your oral hygiene, bad breath will not stop until you have tonsil stones. This is why tonsil stones are a common cause of chronic bad breath.
Most people do not experience any symptoms because they may have small tonsil stones. But in sporadic cases, you may develop large tonsil stones. However, the potential symptoms of tonsil stones are,
Tonsil stones, in most cases, do not cause any disturbance. If you feel the stones are causing you any discomfort, the dentist. They help you remove tonsil stones safely in one of the following ways,
Removing tonsil stones at home is not recommended as it can cause injury, infection, or worsen the condition.
Some home remedies and techniques can make tonsil stones fall out without any surgical treatments. They are,
These methods are unproven by research. So, if they are not working for you, don’t wait longer to visit your dentist.
To prevent tonsil stones, you must maintain good oral hygiene and minimize the debris buildup in the tonsils. To achieve that, here are some tips. They are,
By following these tips, you can achieve good oral hygiene and avoid the buildup of derbies or bacteria in the tonsils.
Tonsil stones are harmless white stones in the throat that cause bad breath. Most of us might not experience the symptoms of tonsil stones as they are usually small, but in some cases, large tonsil stones may cause discomfort. Do not try removing tonsil stones yourself, as it could cause complications. Instead, consult your dentist, as they can remove tonsil stones without complications.
Contact Oris Dental Center in Dubai to remove tonsil stones without causing any damage to your tonsils with the help of advanced and specialized tools.