Oral Health during Pregnancy

Oral Health during Pregnancy
Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Dr. Hussain Alsaleh

Specialist Prosthodontist and Oral Implantologist

November 21, 2017

Oral health during pregnancy is very essential, to impart good health to both mother and baby. Excessive caries disease and germs in a mother’s teeth, can be transferred to the baby in the womb.

There are a lot of hormones in action during pregnancy which causes a lot of changes in women health. Mood swings, increase in appetite, vomiting are few morning sickness associated with pregnancy.

These hormonal changes can exaggerate the way gum tissue reacts to plaque on the tooth surface, thereby increasing the risk of pregnancy gingivitis (inflammation of gums), the first stage of gum disease. If the gum disease is not treated, then it may lead to more serious periodontal (gum) diseases.

Gum inflammation caused due to Gingivitis Gum bleeding during Pregnancy period

Pregnancy Tumours

Small lumps and swellings can occur on the gums during pregnancy. These are called pregnancy tumours. These are not harmful growths. Depending upon their size and shape, your dentist can decide on excising it during the mid-trimester or post-delivery. So there is nothing much to be worried about the small swellings that erupt into the mouth. They usually tend to disappear aft the delivery. Dental prevention and treatment is a part of perinatal care and should not be ignored.

Common gingival changes during pregnancy

Practice good oral hygiene

  • Brush normally with fluoridated tooth paste twice a day
  • When the gums are swollen up, food particles tend to get stuck in the more, so flossing will help remove the debris.
  • Vomiting and morning sickness cause a lot of discomfort in the mouth. Before brushing it’s good to rinse the mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water to stop the vomitus acid content from attacking the tooth surfaces.
  • In the latter half of pregnancy, gastric refluxes tend to occur. This can be neutralised by the baking soda solution rinsing as mentioned above.

Eat Healthy Food

  • Eat a variety of healthy food.
  • Avoid food and drinks high in sugar.
  • Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products are best.
  • Drink water or milk instead of fruit juice or flavoured drinks.
  • Increase the amount of calcium in your food and drink.

Get Oral health care

Visit your dentist to do a check-up. In case of swollen or bleeding gums, scaling and polishing can be done. Doing a scaling & polishing will help remove the deposits on the tooth surface thereby reducing inflammation of gums. Earlier forms of dental caries can be cleared and fillings can be safely done in the second trimester of pregnancy. It’s risky to undergo any major dental surgical procedures, so they are usually postponed to post labour, by prescribing safe painkillers and antibiotics.

Oral healthcare tips to follow during pregnancy

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