Treatment Duration
1 Visit to 3 Visit [Based on the complications]Treatment For
Tooth decay, Tooth nerve Infected, Tooth DiscolorationProcedure
X-ray and examine, endodontic treatment, preventive crown, and proper medication.Root Canal placed
Years of Experience (Since 2008)
Success Rate
Beauty Smiles
Nowadays, RCT is more comfortable and pain-free compared to some of the dental treatment. Advancement in RCT helps patients to complete the procedure in one sitting. Still, a lot of research in pain management holding down in Endodontics.
X-rays are compulsory for all the endodontic related treatment. With our advanced technology, they have reduced the radiation levels up to 90% than conventional x-ray machine called digital radiography were we using efficient non-film digital computerized system.
Safeguard your teeth from the RCT is less invasive and less expensive. Cost will depend upon your crown selection.
If your tooth pulp is damaged or inflamed, RCT helps to remove your damaged gums and save your teeth from spreading gum infection.
About 98%, of the RCT treatment, results with minimal discomfort after the procedure. The tooth may remain achy after the few days of RCT, But it will be common in RCT, it will take time for the healing process.
The posterior teeth (premolar and molar) need a crown for the following RCT teeth to strengthen the teeth and Pulp for chewing.
Normally, RCT will remain for more than 10 years. If it more than 10 years, no one will give guarantee for the teeth. If again, infection persists, have to repeat the RCT.
The only alternative way for the RCT is tooth out. So, it will destroy the pulp and won't get heal and is not recommended for anyone to keep the decayed tooth.
Nad Al Sheba